Agenzia Habeshia:
lunedì 18 gennaio 2010
Help Stop the Involuntary Deportation of Eritrean Refugees in Libya
Una raccolta firme, per evitare la deportazione forzata dei profughi Eritrei dalla Libia.
Targeting: Sen. Ted Kaufman (DE), The U.S. Senate and The U.S. House, see more...Rep. Adam Smith (WA-09), Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (TX-18), Rep. Gregory Meeks (NY-06), Rep. Donald Payne (NJ-10), Rep. Chris Smith (NJ-04), Rep. Jeff Fortenberry (NE-01), Rep. Brad Miller (NC-13), Rep. Diane Watson (CA-33), Rep. Barbara Lee (CA-09), Rep. Lynn Woolsey (CA-06), Rep. Jeff Flake (AZ-06), Rep. John Boozman (AR-03), Sen. Russ Feingold (WI), Sen. Jim Webb (VA), Sen. Bob Corker (TN), Sen. Jim DeMint (SC), Sen. James Inhofe (OK), Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (NH), Sen. Ben Cardin (MD), Sen. Johnny Isakson (GA), Sen. Ted Kaufman (DE), The U.S. Senate and The U.S. House
sStarted by: Bereket Stephano
This letter earnestly requests a helping hand from appropriate bodies of the United States Congress, in stopping the forceful and involuntary deportation of Eritrean Refugees in Libya in direct transgression of Art 33 of the 1951 Convention and 1967 Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees to which Libya is Signatory; and it calls for 4 pointed actions to that end.
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