Agenzia Habeshia:

lunedì 17 gennaio 2011

BBC: Fears over African migrants held by Sinai Bedouin, 31.12.10

PHRIsrael | 03 gennaio 2011 | Following the publication of PHR-Israel's report "Hostages, Torture, and Rape in the Sinai Desert: A PHR-Israel update about recently arriving asylum seekers" (13.12.10) the international media started to cover the issue extensively. In this BBC report, the reporter Rupert Wingfield-Hayes met some of the refugees being held in Egypt's Sinai desert and the people traffickers profiting from the trade. The report also examines the work of PHR-Israel's Open Clinic for Migrants and Refugees. Please consider making a donation and help us continue offer medical and mental health care to Sinai victims: To view the full BBC report:

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