Agenzia Habeshia:
lunedì 14 febbraio 2011
The odyssey of refugees hostage in the Sinai
At 11.00 I arrived the news of a 16 year old boy who suffers from epilepsy, falls from 4 to 5 times a day, with chains in his hands and feet, the fellow prisoners that doubly worried about this kid suffering from the conditions detention, mistreatment and the fact that you suffer from epilepsy in the situation of segregation in 40 people crammed inside a container, where it is hard to breathe for a healthy person let alone those who are ill. The comrades of all this misfortune to suffer from this kid, I ask you do something for him.
Europe and Italy to discuss emergency landings, have no intention of freeing groped, to restore dignity to these people.
It dropped a surreal silence about the play of Eritrean refugees hostage in the Sinai, now three months are our first appeal back to November 24, 2010, the pope made two months ago, 5 December 2010, even the intervention of the European parliament on December 12 2010, the same letter of the Italian Parliament to the Minister Frattini's all over in 2010. February 14, 2011 Today we are still at the starting point, nothing, nothing concrete, nothing conclusive for these refugees, who paid only able to redeem their freedom and dignity of the human person.
In this group of 40 people with whom I came into contact mane is, there are 12 women of which one to four months of pregnancy, and this 16 year old boy suffering from epilepsy as well as inhuman treatment by the marauders.
Even the indifference of the international community that degrades human rights and dignity of these refugees, who have turned to it confident that they hoped to receive aid from Europe that never came.
A cruel fate befallen these refugees, ignored by the world, exploited by brokers in human flesh, often with the complicity of police border guards who are on the payroll of traffickers.
We no longer know who to appeal now, everyone is deaf and dumb, it seems that in the world there is no one's responsibility to demand respect for international law, no one can intervene to uphold these laws of civilization.
Absurd to know that a few steps from UN contingent there for weeks Statti a group of 54 refugees held hostage without UN soldiers raise their eyes around to see what was going on under their noses.
We are told that the border between Egypt and Israel is monitored every 500 m there are soldiers, but it's worse than a cola stock where all passes through, the only problem is the feuds between different factions of smugglers who are competing for market slaves and other things, the military side with the highest bidder in bribes.
All this is not the slightest regard for the Western governments, perhaps because they think it is not called into question our security, Fortress Europe, would be inappropriate to expend to defend the rights and dignity of hundreds of refugees, this error of perspective and a political vision .
We call for Europe to find the strength and willingness to ask for help in the fight against trafficking in human beings, resulting in the release of all hostages in the desert of Sinai.
Fr. Mussie Zerai
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