Agenzia Habeshia:

giovedì 3 novembre 2011

From the report of Commission III of 2/11/2011 is attached the text of the response to questions 5-05399 and 5-05527 presented by Hon. Renato Farina (PDL) on the plight of Eritrean refugees in Egypt.

Undersecretary Alfredo Mantica notes initially that the presence of Eritrean refugees in Libya is an aspect of the minority question in relation to direct flow of Eritreans, along the River Nile to Upper Egypt. Emphasizes that the phenomenon, certainly worsened since Egypt entered the transition, was the subject of systematic monitoring by Bedouin tribes for some time that traffic in human beings. The routes of trafficking are, however, coincided with those covered by the traffickers of weapons destined for Gaza. Therefore meets the terms set out in the Annex:TEXT OF RESPONSE The Italian government is fully aware of the issue of refugees and Eritrean refugees in Egypt, on the basis of reports that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, receives regular Habeshia Agency for Development Cooperation. The government has repeatedly turned on - even at the highest level - with the Egyptian authorities, representing the care and sensitivity with which the Italian institutions and the international public opinion to look at each other, and expressing the fervent hope that will not be reached quickly to a positive solution.Despite the political crisis in Egypt, our Embassy in Cairo has continued to follow up the matter with the utmost care, keeping contacts with the Egyptian authorities, with the competent international organizations and NGOs more involved in the affair, as well as the Delegation of 'European Union, recalling the strong Italian interest in respect of the situation of Eritrean and ask for updates on any new developments or news of their fate.In its contacts, the Egyptian authorities have always stressed that the government and security forces are engaged in combating trafficking of human beings led by Bedouins in the Sinai, and in general in combating all forms of exploitation and abuse against the person human.The authorities in Cairo have also confirmed the presence of Eritreans in Upper Egypt (Aswan and Luxor in particular), however, stating that they are assisted by UNHCR in some cases being transferred to Ethiopia, on a voluntary basis, to be welcomed in the two fields of 'High Commissioner.As known, the Sinai, including the terms of peace with Israel (which include preventing the introduction of heavy weapons and armored vehicles in the border area), remains a difficult area to monitor and particularly exposed to the blows of the hands of the Bedouin tribes more unstable and unruly , whose actions and illicit trafficking in Cairo trying to fight for years. The security situation has also worsened in the area at this delicate stage of transition, making more difficult the task of the Egyptian authorities who consider themselves "victims" and is not responsible for these unfortunate events.At EU level, after the Commission aware of the importance we attach to each other, we have reported the matter to the European Union Delegation in Cairo, which has also made a step at the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in order to obtain information possible and to start initiatives, which the Italian side would not fail to compete. The European Parliament has intervened several times on the issue.Italy has also initiated contacts with leading international organizations, and in particular with the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (UNHCR), the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and NGOs more directly involved. From these contacts showed that the Egyptian authorities have allowed them to visit the towns of Luxor and Aswan.In summary, under the incessant action put in place to promote respect for human rights worldwide, the Italian government remains committed to continue to develop awareness of the Cairo so that we can overcome this dramatic story and come to the humanitarianliberation of prisoners.Our action will continue at EU level to stimulate the achievement of an adequate level of cooperation between the EU and Egypt in the field of migration to provide the necessary on-site assistance to migrants and asylum seekers.Renato FARINA (PDL) is satisfied by replicating deepening response illustrated by Undersecretary Mantica, confirming the related information in its possession. Considers it its duty to represent, in addition to the dramatic reality of human trafficking - in which Egypt, according to the U.S. State Department, holds a special record - the opportunity to check the news on the existence of widespread collusion between traffickers and some military Israel, aimed at a terrible damage to the organ trade of Eritrean refugees. In his view, given the particular gravity of the allegations, there must be strict checks at the international level, in order to avoid hateful manipulations. As regards the situation at Aswan, refers to the involvement of some members of police harassment in Egypt about three hundred Eritrean refugees, of which one third of the Christian faith, would be induced under torture to formalize the request for repatriation.On the situation in Libya, although it is a secondary port for Eritrean refugees, notes that it is a slope that would see more than three hundred people involved, which have completely lost track and need to be sought with determination.

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