Agenzia Habeshia:

giovedì 25 ottobre 2012

ISD Germany: “Racial/Ethnic Profiling” Hearing at the Appeals Court (OVG) Rheinland Pfalz in Koblenz, German


Initiative Black Persons in Germany (ISD)
“Racial/Ethnic Profiling” Hearing on October 29, 2012 at the Appeals Court
(OVG) Rheinland Pfalz in Koblenz, Germany


Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

This is to inform you that on Monday, 10-29-2012, at 1:30 p.m., the
Hearing regarding racial/ethnic profiling of travelers on trains will be
held. Such police controls are allegedly only conducted on certain routes,
according to the Police Department. During the Court Hearing (VG) in
Koblenz, in February 2012, the topic found increased media coverage.
Attorney Sven Adam filed an appeal and the OVG approved to hear the case
on May 8, 2012, stating that the initial court decision had constitutional
human rights implications.

Case synopsis: In December 2012, a 26 year-old Black German, passenger on
the regional train from Kassel to Frankfurt/Main, Germany, was searched by
two policemen. This was not the first experience for the young man and he
resisted the search as he felt it was racially motivated. He later filed a
complaint for police harassment.

The Initiative Schwarze Menschen in Deutschland (ISD) (Initiative Black
Persons in Germany) and the Büro zur Umsetzung von Gleichbehandlung e.V.
(BUG) (Equal Rights Office) support the petitioner in this legal action to
uphold his human rights. At the Hearing on 10-29-2012, at the OVG in
Koblenz, we have persons with similar experiences available for

Background information, documentation, and position papers for this case
are available on Attorney Sven Adam’s website: and at the BUG website: and

The Initiative Schwarze Menschen in Deutschland (ISD) website is and on Facebook:

Vorankündigung: Hauptverhandlung wegen "Racial Profiling" vor dem OVG
Koblenz am 29.10.2012 >>

Contacts for the Hearing are:
Hadija Haruna (ISD): 0179 47 03 876
Vera Egenberger (BUG): 015 77 522 17 83


Pressrelease: The VOICE und Plataforma Berlin - Racist Police Brutality
Hinders Democracy in Germany -
Polizeibrutalität behindert Demokratie: Presseerklärung der Plataforma der
Flüchtlinge und MigrantInnen Berlin // Von The VOICE Refugee Forum

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