Agenzia Habeshia:

venerdì 5 ottobre 2012

Press Conference announcing the launch of the report Lybia: The Hounding of Migrants Must Stop

Libya: The Hounding of Migrants Must Stop’ is a joint work by FIDH, Migreurop and Justice Without Borders for Migrants (JWBM). It is the result of three investigation missions led since the beginning of 2012 to gather information on the current situation of migrants, asylum seekers and refugees in the country.

Press conference for the launch of the report

Libya: The Hounding of Migrants Must Stop

Thursday October 11th, from 10:30 to 11am

European Parliament - Altiero Spinelli Building - Room ASP

60 rue Wiertz 1047 Brussels 

Programme of the Press Conference
  • Introduction: Hélène Flautre (Greens/EFA, France)
  • Ms. Geneviève Jacques, Member of the FIDH and CIMADE International Boards
  • Ms. Caroline Intrand, Migreurop
  • Father Mussie Zérai, Director of the Habeshia agency
  • Questions and answers

The report exposes widespread serious violations of the human rights of immigrants in Libya, at the hands of militia groups, acting outside the control of the national authorities. As it shows, actors operating at local, national and international level have a shared responsibility for the current situation in Libya. Notably, the European Union and its member states negotiate new cooperation agreements with Libya which continue to place the objective of controlling migratory flows above considerations of human rights. The report also highlights the responsibility of migrants’ states of origin towards their citizens in Libya.


Caroline Intrand is a lawyer who specialises in asylum and migration issues in Europe for CIRE. She worked during several years on migrant detention and on the European politicy of externalising migration management. She now concentrates on Roma and the European border management policy.

Rev. Fr. Mussie Zerai was born in Asmara in Eritrea in 1975 and became a Catholic Priest in 2010 in the Vatican City. He has been working in the field of human rights since 1995 and is the founder and Chairman of Habeshia Agency, established in 2006, which provides support and assistance to migrants and refugees. Since September 2011, he is the national coordinator for the pastoral care of Catholic Eritreans and Ethiopians in Switzerland. He is in regular contact with migrants in Libya.
More information in this article:

Geneviève Jacques is Chargée de mission for the International Bureau of the FIDH and former Secretary General of the Cimade. She was made Chevalier de la Légion d’Honneur in 2008. Her areas of expertise include political refugees, the rights of foreigners, impunity, international migration, and women’s rights in Latin America. She is the author of two books on the issue of impunity, "Beyond Impunity, an ecumenical perspective on issues of truth, justice and reconciliation" (WCC Publications, 2001) and "Human rights and impunity for economic crimes" (Editions du Cerf, 2009). She regularly participates in international missions and visited the Tunisian and Egyptian borders with Libya in March-April 2011.

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