Agenzia Habeshia:

martedì 2 aprile 2013

Libia, the Eritrean refugees used for demine the soil

Sirte, the Eritrean refugees used for demine the soil

Sub-Saharan prisoners treated as cannon fodder by Libyan police officers, used to clear mines without any preparation ordnance civil war. It detention centers again with loads of potential refugees in defiance of international law. Their guilt is entering the country illegally, with the aggravating circumstance of dark skin and the Christian religion. But Europe and Italy did not bat an eye, indeed our country could work with the Libyan authorities in the control of the Southern borders in the Sahara.

The raids took place in mid-February of migrants in Tripoli and Benghazi with the deportation of 1,200 people still held in Sebha and Kufra in the south, are just the tip of the iceberg. Hiding human trafficking and corruption, inhumane prison conditions, the use of refugees arrested for illegal immigration in demining operations in Sirte. The complaint Human rights concern, an organization based in London founded by Eritrean refugees for the protection of refugees. The director, Elsa Chyrum, revealed that he had received several reports from prisoners of abuses by security forces Tripoline.

The first case concerns 76 Eritreans used for mine clearance operations in Sirte, where, says Human rights concern, "the refugees are forced every day to clear mines despite lack of training. Inhuman treatment, people are used as if they were parts. " The refugees have been denied any contact with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees According to the charity of Eritrean refugees, some 400 Italians were kidnapped by traffickers from Sudan to Libya and brought to Ajdabiya, near Benqasi. More than 120 refugees had already paid $ 1,700 each for redemption, while another 400 are being held in appalling conditions, with little food and mistreatment.

"If you tolerate a seizure of this size - Chyrum charge - so that the authorities can not be accomplices." Chyrum confirms that there are Eritreans detained in solitary confinement in four prisons: Salma near Tripoli there are 81, Khums, always near the capital, the number of prisoners is unknown as to Zuwara. While in Kufra, center with Italian funds paid to the middle of the last decade, at least 300 prisoners are locked up. Finally in Sabha, whose inmates have contacted us in late February, about 1,200 refugees are being held. Some were able to bribe the guards with $ 500 regaining freedom and a passage to Tripoli. For others there are no prospects.

Under these conditions it is not difficult to predict that soon resume crossings of hope in the Strait of Sicily.

European governments are concerned only by the recovery of the landings. On 12 February in Paris on the occasion of the international conference on security and rule of law in Libya, the then Foreign Minister Terzi stated that Italy is "among the top three contributors to the Libyan security", with 35 projects under implementation. Third had explained that the beautiful country has as many as 80 programs in Libya and that should take care, "especially of border control, in particular the southern." Earlier in the Mediterranean and in the desert are not happy, and if the next conference will be held in Rome, Italy would have the opportunity to correct the mistakes of the recent past and sanctioned a little over a year ago by the European Court of Human Rights human.

Paolo Lambrusco

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