Agenzia Habeshia:

martedì 17 dicembre 2013

Bad reception system for refugees in Italy

Mineo . Eritrean refugee victims of the Dublin and bad reception system in Italy

He was 21 years old and had landed in Sicily on April 5 . It was called Mulue Ghirmay , came from Keren , Eritrea . Escaped from a military regime among the hardest and bloodiest in the world. He faced the Sahara , Libya . Embarked risking death in the Mediterranean. It has survived all this. But not Italy. Did not find waiting for death in the desert or in the sea, he found homes for the military in the former American base now become the Darling of Mineo , a lager than an authorized service center for asylum seekers , isolated from everything and all , far from the city. Because, obviously , must be and remain "invisible " hidden from view and , therefore , the attention and intervention of any real help . Almost not even exist. Yet they call it the village of solidarity.
Have not yet been clarified details of the death. The young man was found hanged with a tent. Tragedy on the prosecutor has opened an investigation of Caltagirone . The only definite information about him for now are those provided by the sisters , who live in Northern Europe. As for the reasons which led the young man to take his own life , is suspected to have been instrumental in the fact that he had to " register" his fingerprints that he felt , in short, " filed " and now unable to reach the family who preceded him in the escape from Eritrea . It ' a suspicion that serious accusations against Italy , which has assumed responsibility for his case of " asylum seeker " , but then forced him to remain in Mineo for 8 months, standard living conditions and without an outlook for the future. Practically abandoned to itself , Mulue saw only darkness in her tomorrow , because for refugees like him the "Italian system" , after months , sometimes more than a year of isolation , it gives you a piece of paper called a residence permit, you accompanies the station caricandoti on a train without a euro in his pocket, and then tells you : ' Go where you want ' . So the "practice" is closed but, in fact , you were destined to be delivered to a homeless street. Here , in all likelihood , what tormented this guy. A steal his future was Italy . That future that he hoped to live with her sisters in Northern Europe. He could have chosen between Switzerland and Norway , the two European countries where his family emigrated and instead tragically ended his life in Mineo , after waiting for 8 months of being called by the territorial commission to investigate your request asylum , for more with the fear of getting , as one result , that of being abandoned at the station of Catania.
That's what killed Mulue : the absolute uncertainty of the future and wait times so long , spent in a crowded place for more than 4000 people from 54 different countries , in a climate of tension daily high and daily struggle to survive , guarded by the military as a criminal. This told her sisters : the life unlivable in the center , the humiliating conditions , the wait exhausting for an end result that loomed disappointing. And this probably defeated him : after overcoming enormous dangers , since the escape from dictatorship to crossing the Mediterranean , led by a great dream of freedom, rights and dignity, he found himself a prisoner of an absurd system that has turned off, killed his dream . Without that dream Mulue did not want to live , so he chose to rebel with the only weapon he had left : his own life. To rise up and put on trial those who wanted to decide in his place, who wanted to throw in one of the many dilapidated buildings where they live thousands of Eritrean refugees like him, " condemned " by the Italian political system and the Europe Agreements as the " Dublin III" in become invisible , blackmailed , "non-persons " without rights, labor to exploit. The painful choice of Mulue is an escape from this system unworthy forcing thousands of refugees to live in inhumane conditions in the " Civil Italy " , not in the third world : in Italy , was a member of the European Union and the G7 yet unable to acquire a comprehensive law on asylum, a national system capable of ensuring a dignified reception , through projects of social inclusion, economic and cultural life of the refugees welcomed on paper, but then left to fend for themselves.
I already know that the judiciary will close the case as a suicide Mulue motivations unclear . But I remain convinced that the real reason is all too clear : this guy is the victim of a reception system incapable of respecting the dignity of the person and offer a future that is not to be thrown on the street , such as waste and, together, is a victim of European agreements that prevented him from going to live by his sisters , where he could be supported and accompanied them to start living again , after the ordeal of the flight and exile.
The death of this 21 year old guy that I hope at least make people think the "powerful " who have decision-making power by the government to those who have responsibility for the management of the centers as one of Mineo : I hope you finally understand that they are dealing with the human beings, that they are people , not numbers, in which each "file" there is a man or a woman , who had come to seek protection , freedom, rights and dignity and not to be exploited or turned into beggars sentenced to depend on the tables of authorities " benefactors " . We need to change , to humanize these centers. If the capacity is 1,200 inconceivable lay up a number of guests even three times higher . Already this overcrowding by itself make your life a living hell. The services offered to 1,200 can not meet the needs of 4000 : it is obvious that they are born tension and discomfort. The only good thing done by the Bossi-Fini law is that it has introduced the 7 territorial commissions for asylum applications , but it seems that today we are operating only 4 , in addition to the old committee of central Rome . According to the commitments , these organisms would have to answer questions in an acceptable time , without requiring the applicant to the torture of long waiting times and exhausting psychological, family and social . There is , however, an average of 14 months of waiting, the arrival until the final answer. And this expectation , already difficult in itself , becomes unbearable in overcrowded facilities , such as Mineo , for people who have already had to overcome many dangers to get to Italy , where they hoped to find friendship and solidarity and instead found themselves almost in a concentration camp .
Is it any wonder why Italy is not able to respect the rights and dignity of these people. Look this video is clear what happen in Lampedusa The answer perhaps lies in the fact that both the legislators that many " professional solidarity " so far have not had the mentality and desire to plan a reception system starting from the needs of the refugees. It takes into account the needs of policy and those of the organizations for assistance. The refugee is the last thought : instead of being at the center of the problem, you have to adapt to what is offered . There are plenty of funds : what is lacking is a clear conscience , which sees in the refugee a person with rights and duties and to whom respect is due . It makes you think the commandment : " Do not do what you do not want to be done , but hopefully you do and what you want others to do to you or for you."
Italy next year is expected to be an important presidency of the European Union. It can be a great opportunity to ask for the renegotiation of Dublin III , because you can not force a man or a woman to seek asylum in a country where you do not want to live . As is the case in Italy , where there are fewer and fewer refugees who wish to stay , because there are conditions for a dignified reception , with a future job , a home, the tools to rebuild their lives. Precisely for this reason it makes sense that Italy continues to take fingerprints and " filing " the refugees who come knocking on his door : it is a practice that only serves to swell the ranks of the poor in the canteens and the mass of desperate people in the cities.
Don Mussie Zerai

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