Agenzia Habeshia:

venerdì 31 ottobre 2014

Appeal to Swiss authorities: Refugees expelled is a tragedy.

(Google Translate)

A young Eritrean was found hanging in a room at the detention center for foreigners in Aarau. He was about to be deported to Italy. It was in Switzerland for the second time. In possession of a residence permit Italian, entered for the first time in the territory of the Helvetic Republic about two years ago and, after checking his documents, in March 2013, had agreed to be sent to Rome. During the month of August, despite the ban on "Enter", he returned to Switzerland. Stopped, identified and brought to the center of Aarau, was waiting for the authorities Aargau formalizzassero his second expulsion. This time I did it to bear the prospect of a return to a country where he did not want to live and where he had found only indifference, hostility, denial of the fact that the rights to the words were recognized with the granting of permission to living room. I do not have it done to the point that he preferred to call it quits for good. He was only 29 years old.

This tragedy is likely to be only the beginning. There are hundreds, thousands of immigrants, mostly Eritreans as this young man, living in fear of being expelled from Switzerland to Italy. For 600 of them have already signed or is in the process of investigating the deportation order. All to Italy, despite the lack of evidence that they are often just arrived from the Italian border. What then, beyond the formal paperwork, a huge injustice in terms of ethics and morality: the delivery of thousands of them in a host, the Italian one, which in fact are left to themselves asylum seekers even when they have obtained State a form of international protection. A system that increasingly condemns these exiles living in a condition to be "invisible" with no rights, no home, no work: arms delivered to the black market and exploitation.

For all that we ask to stop all the procedures and practices in place to expulsion from Switzerland.

Previous to justify this choice is not even legally are missing. Just to mention two in particular that we consider particularly important: one of these days, the other in November 2011.

The first is the firm conviction October 21 of this year by the European Court of Human Rights, in relation to Italy and Greece, to the story of 35 stranded refugees and rejected from the ports of Ancona, Bari and Venice, in 2009, to be delivered to Greece. The Court denied that Italy had carried rejections-expulsion, strictly applying the criteria of the Treaty of Dublin, even though he was well aware of the harsh treatment of refugees and migrants in Greece and the inhumane living conditions at collection facilities for foreigners. Athens, in turn, was condemned precisely because of its "policy" towards immigrants, including the prospect-threat of repatriation in the countries from which the refugees were forced to flee.

Not least the last second, known as the "case" of Dubliners: refugees, that is, victims of the Treaty of Dublin. In 2011 (especially in November), as many as 41 German courts have temporarily suspended all deportations to Italy for asylum seekers who had resorted to the courts. These are some of the major German courts, including in Weimar, Frankfurt, Dresden, Freiburg, Cologne, Darmstadt, Hanover, Gelsekirchen. On the basis of the number of judgments was placed just by Italy in the treatment of asylum seekers. Treatment documented in a dossier assembled "in the field" by two defense lawyers Dubliners, after a journey made in several Italian cities to realize their person of the situation and collect a long series of testimonies, all agree in saying that Rome merely guarantees only formal refugee status or other forms of international protection, because in the reception system almost completely missing programs that can lead to a real process of social inclusion and resettlement.

In both cases, it was felt that went suspended or otherwise not applied rigidly to the Treaty of Dublin, linking refugees to the first Schengen country to which address the request for asylum. It is suspended, that is, the application of the "formal law" because its application would be resolved effectively in an amount injustice. We appeal, then, to draw on this same principle. In the name of fairness, ethics, life of thousands of young people.

                                                                                   Don Mussie Zerai

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