Agenzia Habeshia:

venerdì 10 aprile 2015

Appeal to the Government of Israel and the International Community

Israel exported refugees in Rwanda
You can not fix it the problem of asylum seekers
No deportation for a fee of African refugees from Israel to Rwanda. Because it is just that - a deportation against the will of refugees - the effect that risks configurasi with multimillion agreement that the Israeli government is ending with that of Rwanda. And, what's more, the prospect is that you get to a real mass expulsion of refugees in Israel. Similar to those negotiations with Rwanda, in fact, would also underway with Uganda, while in recent months there has been talk of Kenya.
Israel currently live more than 60 thousand migrants, the vast majority from Sudan and Eritrea, two African countries that, in relation to the number of inhabitants, the most in recent years have fueled the diaspora of women and men persecuted, often forced to escape as the only way out to save his own life. Most arrived through the Sinai, before the entire line of the border with Egypt was barred by impenetrable barrier built in the desert for hundreds of miles. Many live as they can in the suburbs of Tel Aviv or Jerusalem and in the suburbs of major cities, but thousands are being held in the detention center Holot, in the Negev, despite the Supreme Court has repeatedly ruled for closing the entire complex, asserting that "it is illegal to detain illegal immigrants." And almost all are treated, usually by "infiltrators" and not from asylum seekers, as they are entitled. Just remember that the average rate of recognition of refugee status in Israel does not exceed 5 per cent against an international average of 39 percent. Media that, in the case of Eritreans and Sudanese, salt and even respectively 84 to 64 percent.
This is precisely the point. Lacking in Israel proper political reception and integration, and this has created quite often forms of de facto discrimination, if not, in some cases, open hostility, which resulted in serious instances of intolerance, including some - fortunately rare - raid xenophobic. Now, instead of trying to eliminate difficulties and misunderstandings through a program of appropriate asylum, came the news of the agreement under which - as reported at the beginning of April, the Rwandan President Paul Kagame and the Israeli Interior Minister, Gilad Erdan - hundreds of Eritreans and Sudanese immigrants guests detention centers will be sent to Rwanda, whose government is willing to accept them in exchange for grants worth millions of dollars.
Minister Erdan has justified this measure by asserting that the goal is to encourage migrants' leave them in a safe and dignified "and that Rwanda is willing to regularize and integrate, adding - how accurate the newspaper Yediot Ahronot - that every immigrant departing will be offered a "package that includes a flight and $ 3,500." But if the expulsion proves mandatory, as it seems in fact, it would actually a rejection of mass, in contrast with the international law that obliges to provide assistance and hospitality to those forced to flee from wars, dictatorships, terrorism, persecution of all kinds, famine, hunger. To whom, in a word, is in the condition of the asylum seeker or migrant forced, as it happens to the vast majority of young people arrived in Israel from East Africa and sub-Saharan Africa. Appears in fact a form of compulsion to leave and, therefore, a mandatory expulsion, also the fact that there has never turned a proper reception policy and that thousands of immigrants the only perspective offered was a detention center or a wretched existence marginalization. The only difference with respect to the number of rejections indiscriminate in that we have witnessed in recent years in the Mediterranean, is that, in this case, the ejection is carried out with the collaboration to payment of some African and with the "gilding" of a cash incentive to the individual concerned. A strategy that takes almost as a "monetization" of want and poverty. The needs of asylum seekers to find a safe haven and dignified and poverty of African states willing to cooperate with this choice of Israel in exchange for money.
Returns, in a word, the logic of the "powerful of the earth" in the closed fortress, indifferent to the fate of "the last of the earth": the logic of the rich countries that can afford to pay the outsourcing of its borders, pushing them as far as possible and entrusting the task to the poorest countries to take them away desperate for help. No matter at what price.

The agency Habeshia believes that this can not be absolutely the way for Israel to resolve the issue of asylum seekers and refugees who have launched their cry for help over the years, perhaps even driven by the belief that no one could possibly understand the tragedy as, by its very long history, just the Jewish people.
In the certainty that Tel Aviv is making at least one error if not a real injustice, therefore, Habeshia appeals:
 - At the highest Israeli institutions - Presidency of the Republic, Government, Parliament, the Supreme Court - why be reviewed and canceled the choice made, before it's too late.
 - To the Government of Rwanda because monetizing the suffering of tens of thousands of refugees.
 - At the international community to ask Tel Aviv respect of the Geneva Convention of 1951 which Israel is a signatory, and the respect of human rights and a different political asylum and reception, in line with the systems used in countries more advanced democracy.
                                                     Don Mussie Zerai

                                             President of the agency Habeshia

Rome, April 10, 2015

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