Appeal for
Urgent Intervention to Ensure the Safety of Asylum Seekers in Sinai
the forces of the Egyptian army in the Sinai Peninsula, in coor dination with Israel , as well as the violent
events which recently took
place on the Israel-Egypt bor der
drew the public attention to the security aspect of what is going on in Sinai.
However, the subject of the hostage and tor ture
camps, where during the last two years thousands of asylum seekers have been
held, has been pushed aside and has not attracted the attention which it
asylum seekers, fleeing from dictator ships
and countries embroiled in bloody wars, are subject to the control of bands of
human smugglers in Sinai. The smugglers hold them hostage until their release
against payment of a ransom fee in the sum of tens of thousands of dollars paid
by relatives of the hostages. Many testimonies collected in Israel show that while held
hostage, the asylum seekers are the victims of different for ms of tor ture
including rape, threats of execution and removal of or gans,
for ced labor ,
being tied up in chains, electric shocks, starvation and water deprivation.
Some of those people who manage to survive the hard period of tor ture and are released from the camps are shot by
soldiers of the Egyptian army at the bor der.
Human rights or ganizations,
including a number of those who have signed this appeal, have published data on
the scope of this phenomenon. Reports
based on the testimonies of victims of the torture camps in Sinai show that 59% of the people interviewed said that
they had been held under close guard and/or
were chained to other asylum seekers. 52% of the people interviewed said that
they had been subject to severe violence. 15% have scars and signs of violence
on their body as a result of tor ture
undergone in Sinai. 44% repor ted
that during their time in Sinai, they had witnessed violence and/or cases of death of other asylum seekers. 88%
repor ted severe lack of food and
starvation. 66% repor ted severe
thirst as they were denied water during their captivity
human rights or ganizations, acting for the rights of refugees and asylum seekers,
believe that we have a duty of the utmost impor tance
to place the subject of refugees on the public agenda. Without derogating from
the duties of the author ities of the
State of Israel to treat asylum seekers who reach Israeli territor y in a humane manner and to honor the international treaties for protection of the human rights of the refugees,
we cannot ignor e what happens to
those people seeking asylum in Israel
on their way to Israel .
The present reality in Sinai and the
entry of large for ces of the
Egyptian army into the peninsula, and all the sensitivities involved therein,
constitute an oppor tunity for positive and necessary action on the subject of
the hostage camps, tor ture and
trafficking in Sinai. In light of this, we appeal to the international
community to act in cooperation with Israel
and Egypt
decisively in the present situation for
the purpose of placing the subject on the agenda and promoting acts which will
put an end to the phenomenon.
the undersigned or ganizations hereby
call for the following:
To act for
the immedia te closure of tor ture camps in Sinai and arrest of the smugglers
and their collabor ator s.
To ensure the safety of the
refugees presently detained in the Sinai Peninsula .
To act in conjunction with the
Egyptian army in or der to put a stop
to the use of shooting at refugees crossing the bor der
between Egypt and Israel .
Physicians for Human Rights- Israel
ASSAF - Aid Organization for
Refugees & Asylum Seekers in Israel
The Association For
Civil Rights In Israel
ARDC- African Refugee Development Cente
Hotline For
Migrant Wor kers
Agenzia Habeshia per la
Cooperazione allo Sviluppo
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